Haines & Company

Major reforms to apprenticeships announced

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The Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, has announced reforms to apprenticeships that will enable up to 20,000 more apprenticeships and could be especially welcome news to small businesses.

With effect from April 1st, the government will pay the full cost of training for anyone up to the age of 21.

If you are a small employer this will mean that you no longer need to meet some of the training costs and may mean that taking on an apprentice becomes more viable.

Education providers will also benefit as they currently need to source funding both from businesses and the government.

Gillian Keegan, Education Secretary, commenting on the reforms said: “Apprenticeships are a fantastic way for businesses to develop the skills they need, and these new measures will help more businesses and young people benefit from them.”

See: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/prime-minister-to-announce-major-reform-package-to-boost-apprenticeships-and-cut-red-tape-for-thousands-of-small-businesses

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